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2.3 Regional Economies

Local government acknowledges the significant role that regional economies play in the economic stability of South Australia. In recognition of the specific needs of the regions, councils shall continue to work with federal and state government, Regional Development Australia Boards and key regional stakeholders to support regional economies.

Local government recognises the necessity to draw its economic planning/ policy setting, delivery and support services from collaborative regional partnerships such as current tripartite RDA arrangements. Councils should continue to support regional delivery frameworks, notwithstanding the significant responsibilities of federal and state government.

Local government recognises that regional economic development strategies should address the specific needs of the regions. Councils, through the LGA, will continue to advocate to federal/ state governments to recognise these specific needs in developing policy, programs and making policy commitments that impact on the regions.

Local government recognises that development in the regions can only occur through coordinated investment by federal, state and local government, and through specific funding allocations being made to tackle issues primarily occurring in the regions. Councils, through the LGA, will continue to lobby for specific investment and funding models for regional development.

Local government acknowledges the funding constraints for new priority investment in regional areas. Councils, through the LGA, will continue to lobby for state government to allocate at least 25% of mining royalty revenue to the regions to support regional investment.

Local government has experienced a considerable increase in the costs of maintaining and constructing roads since the state government ‘rubble royalties’ tax was introduced. The LGA will support the removal of the tax as the legislation for its removal passes through Parliament.

Local government recognises that the mining and energy sectors present opportunities for economic growth if activities are undertaken in ecological and socially responsible ways, and in consultation with local communities. Councils should maintain links with relevant companies, and lobby federal/ state governments to create opportunities for operations in regional areas.

Local government recognises the impacts that a changing climate will have on primary production economic activities, and shall work with business/ enterprise owners and federal/ state governments to develop adaptation actions that will build resilience to future operations.