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4.2 Waste & Resource Recovery

Local governmentis committed to providing high quality, innovative and sustainable waste management services that meet the needs of the community while complying with environmental protection requirements, and shall endeavour to advance in this area notwithstanding the significant financial responsibilities of state government.

Local government recognises its statutory obligation of managing municipal waste and its vital role in waste resource recovery. Councils shall continue to promote improved waste management practices in accordance with the waste hierarchy and work with residents and businesses to further limit the creation of waste.

Local government recognises the use of fees, charges and levies as legitimate tools for waste management, but the level at which the solid waste levy is currently set is too high.  Local government shall continue to lobby for an independent inquiry to determine the optimal level for the solid waste levy with regard to community benefits.

Local Government recognises the need for strong and mutually beneficial partnerships with the state government in providing waste and resource recovery services. Local government shall continue to collaborate with the State Government along with lobbying for greater resources and easier access to funds.

Local government recognises the importance of partnerships with private waste management and export companies in achieving further reductions in the production of waste and shall continue to identify and capitalise on private sector collaborations for the benefit of local communities.

Local government recognises that the ultimate goal for waste management is the achievement (as far as is practicable) of a circular economy.  Councils shall continue to work with local markets and reduce their reliance on overseas commodity markets to develop sustainable waste management practices in South Australia, including via the procurement of recycled materials.

Local government acknowledges that the waste and resource recovery sector is highly regulated and recognises its role in this framework. Local government shall continue to lobby against further legislative and regulatory changes that result in councils incurring an even greater expense in providing waste management services.

Local government recognises the significant role it plays in educating the community with regard to waste management and recycling. Local government shall continue to maximise opportunities to educate the community through implementing information sessions and undertaking awareness campaigns where funds allow.