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6.1 The Planning System

Local government acknowledges its statutory role in planning for the future and its role as the closest level of government to communities. The LGA will continue to negotiate with state government to implement a fair, equitable and balanced planning system that facilitates high quality, sustainable and economically viable development.

Local government recognises its role as the primary authority for planning, and the importance of defining roles and responsibilities for statutory functions. Local government will continue to lobby for local autonomy as the best way to promote interest of communities and to ensure consistent and transparent planning activities.

Local government acknowledges the benefits of an improved planning system, and shall continue to liaise with state government on implementation of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016, through positive collaboration and mutual respect, and shall lobby against aspects of implementation in the Act that are not in the best interests of local communities.

Local government acknowledges its statutory role in planning and shall continue contributing an equitable amount to improvements in governance related to planning, while lobbying the State Government to ensure that costs of the e-Planning solution and the SA Planning Portal are not shifted inequitably onto councils.

Local government recognises that education is vital to achieving effective community engagement in planning processes affecting communities. Councils should undertake and support local education, awareness and consultation activities, notwithstanding the responsibilities of the State Government.

Local government acknowledges its role to ensure compliance of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 and recognises the link between planning and building enforcement procedures. Councils shall continue to be represented (nominations through the LGA) on the Building Advisory Committee and any other relevant bodies, and be consulted on standard/ procedural changes.

Local government recognises the requirement for a State Commission that is independent of the State Government. Councils shall continue to advocate that only impartial representatives should sit on the State Planning Commission and the committees it establishes.

Local government unilaterally agrees that planning decisions should be made locally.

Local government recognises developer contributions as a fair and viable means of raising revenue to improve local infrastructure and assets. Councils, through the LGA, shall continue to lobby state government to look further into mechanisms by which developer contributions can be regulated.