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1.2 Partners in Government

Local government welcomes its role as a partner in government and shall continue to work closely with state and federal governments and other key stakeholders to seek solutions to issues that impact communities and effective local governance.

Local government has established its standing as a partner in government and as such, seeks the respect of federal and state government in all transactions between the spheres of government. The LGA shall continue to express the views of the sector with all stakeholders for the benefit of local government.

Local government considers that councils should not be subject to accountability and transparency standards that do not apply to all tiers of government. Local government shall continue to advocate for legislative and regulatory frameworks that can be consistently applied.

Local government considers that formal agreements should be used to establish frameworks for communication and cooperation between local government and federal/ state governments based on mutual respect. The LGA (ALGA with regard to federal agreements) shall continue to negotiate and sign such agreements on behalf of its members.

Local government considers it vital that federal and state governments adequately collaborate with the LGA and councils regarding legislation that affects the sector and that formal protocols should be developed. The LGA shall continue to lobby governments for introduction of protocols that provide certainty about engagement processes.

Local government considers that there must be local government representation on all appropriate state committees, commissions, working groups (not an exhaustive list) where the subject matter affects or is likely to affect local government. The LGA and councils shall continue to advocate for greater representation in the interests of the local government sector.

Cost shifting and unsustainable increases in levies and charges from state government puts significant pressure on council rates, and creates fiscal impacts in councils. Local government will continue to rigorously object to cost shifting in any form, including mandatory revenue collection for federal or state government.

Local government recognises the importance of raising funds for services in non-traditional ways and shall continue to explore means of raising revenue so that they can increase the services on offer to the community to meet local needs. There should not be competition from other tiers of government in areas of primary local government revenue generation.