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Our Tender Process

Existing Panel and Contract Arrangements

A process of refresh or panel upgrades is followed according to expiry dates and contractual opportunities to do so. Each contract has a completion date and may also include a series of (optional) extension periods. Most contracts also contain the ability to conduct a refresh after various periods of time - typically at 12-month intervals.

New Panels and Contracts

LGA Procurement is regularly presented with potential opportunities for increasing its contract and panel offerings. Such opportunities come from councils, suppliers, National Procurement Network (NPN), staff observations and other external influences.

In each case a range of factors are used to determine the approach that will be taken. Our typical approach is:

  • Market research
  • Consultation with the sector and industry experts to determine needs and scope required
  • Product/service research and risk analysis
  • Develop specification
  • Develop selection criteria and evaluation methodology
  • Advertise tender publicly on SA Tenders and in the Advertiser
  • Evaluate tender submissions
  • Produce recommendation report
  • Finalise approvals
  • Award contract(s), notify unsuccessful tenderers
  • Supplier induction
  • Implement contract management plan